Sing Unto The Lord

A few years back,  I had the thrill of going to the East Coast with two of my daughters for leaf peeping.  Everything looked like a Monet  painting.  Truly an  amazing sight.  More amazing is that God has given us the seasons to enjoy.  As I was enjoying my East Coast Photo’s this morning, I was drawn to this little town nestled in the trees of Vermont.  I was actually standing in the back of the Lincoln family home.  The name of the Home is Hilldene and was built by Lincolns son for his Mother, and later his family.  It was so exciting to be there on that Historic property.  I got to see one of  President Lincolns Top Hats, it was under glass of course.  Vermont  was a  favorite place of Abraham Lincoln, and he  would often take His family there for summer vacation.   Therefore the son had a deep love for Vermont as well.  So very interesting!  This morning however, When I saw the little town down in the  valley behind the Lincoln Estate, I  thought of our Lord saving people down in that little town.  I am sure he looks down,  just like I  was.  The Lord rejoices over them with Joy, and He sings over them.  He rejoices over you today too, and He sings over you.  The Lord sings!  How much more,  should we sing up  to Him. vermont-done He loves to hear our voices singing praises to Him.  So make a joyful noise to  the  Lord, and bless him today with your song.