The Lord Preserves Us

preserve you

What a wonderful Scripture to end the day with, and what a spectacular sunset this was at a lake near Steamboat, Colorado.  My Son took me and my granddaughter, and her other grandmother to this place so I could see this sunset and marvel at the sight.  The Lord is so good to give us such beauty to look at each night.  My Husbands mother said “The sunset is a lady and the Lord dresses her in a new evening gown every day.” I loved her words and her love for the Lord.  She taught me a lot, I was blessed to have her, my Mom passed when I was 18.  The Lord knows what we need.  She sure raised up a wonderful Son, the best part is we found each other in this big world full of people. Thank you Lord for all of these blessings.  Think about your blessings today.  Im sure you have many

preserve you
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