
forgiveI’m still in the Garden today.  I think a lot when I am out there.  Today I pulled weeds, a daily job when you want your garden to thrive.  Unforgiveness to me is like weeds in my garden.  It keeps people from thriving.  The weeds will choke out beautiful flowers and literally take away their beauty, and then their life.  Unforgiveness does much of the same.  It soon grows roots of bitterness that makes for a very unhappy and sometimes unlovely person. Bitterness is not a pretty thing.  It can even make a person sick.   Jesus says we must forgive to be forgiven.  Have you forgiven?001 collage (1)

In My Garden

In my garden, I find a great feeling of peace.  My mind is clear of everything else and I have time to listen to the Lord.  I think about things like living peacefully with all men.  The scripture says if it is possible live peacefully with all men.  There are circumstances and evil that make it difficult to live peacefully with everyone.  However there are many that we can live peacefully with that we just ignore, or just walk the other way.  People in our own family or work place.  It can even be a potential wonderful relationship that we are missing.  The Lord says “as much as lieth in you, live peacefully with all men.  Sometimes it takes everything you’ve got to reach out the hand in peace.   So if it is possible smile and love those around you, the rewards can be astounding for the kingdom.  We can’t fully serve the Lord in our own little garden.  We must reach out of our peaceful place so others can know peace, the peace that we know.  Aww what a wonderful world it would be.My Garden

All Things Are Possible

PossibleIn life, we all face and come up against impossible things.  We can’t even imagine how we can get through the situation, condition, or reach our dreams and desires.  Often it just seems IMPOSSIBLE.  With men and women, yes many things and desires are impossible, but with God all things are possible!  What ever thing you are facing, that mountain you are trying to climb with God you can do it.  Rest in that knowledge today.  I saw this uniquely beautiful plant shelf in South Dakota.  We rented a cabin on a large ranch and while walking the property I came upon this.  

A New Creation

Thinking about the fact that I am a new creation today.  I am in Christ, when I came to Jesus my old past sins and worldly behavior passed away, and the new did come.  I am so thankful for that.  The enemy of our soul would try to take this very thing from us and pour  condemnation upon us.  But I love living the Christ life that He has given me.  With that comes the mind of Christ.  We get that  too! 1Corinthians 2:16 says that “For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.” We in no  way can instruct Him, but he has given us His mind that we may be able to understand and move in his spirit. We are able to battle through the mind games in life.  We are a new creation!!!

New Creation

Happy Father’s Day — Flowers

I am thanking God for my dear dad today. 🙂 My dad has been one of the pillars in my life and I’m greatful for his influence over me. Just like my Heavenly Father, he chose to adopt me into his family. (I was adopted when I was 9 years old.) Maybe today is a […]  Written by my daughter, its so lovely, I had to share it!  Darlene

via Happy Father’s Day — Flowers