A Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Light at the end of the tunnelGoing through cancer has many potential dark places.  On My last trip to the Image Center, darkness was lifted as the Lord shifted my eyes off of Darlene and on to another.  I prayed for Amanda my Technician, for her and her son. For me a quick prayer that no cancer would be found in my spine in this MRI.  Fearing the worst based on my doctors phone call our son Chris decided he was taking off work and helping to get Dad to the cancer center to be with me when I heard the news.  I am unable to lift and handle the wheel chair so Jerry doesn’t usually go with me.  This was an exception.  It was very crowded when we got there.  I am always stunned at how many people are dealing with cancer.   The nurses set us up in a private room.  There was no place for Chris and Jerry to sit down in the infusion room.  We didn’t even get seated and the nurse came and said Doctor wanted to see us before the infusion.  This was unusual because they always put the Iv in and take blood in the lab before I see the doctor.  Of course fear was mounting in all of us.  Doctor came in and started with I have good news and bad news which do you want first.  I of  course said “Good news please”.  The good news was that there was no cancer in my spine. I call that a miracle!!! The bad news is that the tumors in my lungs had shown some growth on this drug that I am on.  It was very small growth, and the decision we had was, should we stay the  course on the current drug, or change at this point.  He said the next drug would be very hard on me and because the growth was small, we could give it another two months and scan again.  If it has continued to grow we will have to go to the next option.  We chose to stay with my current drug.  Praise the Lord !  The doctor said we are taking a chance, but it is the chance I will gladly take because Jesus is my great Physician, who has seen me through this journey thus far and given me the courage to face each day with faith and hope.  What was found in my spine was bulging disks and degenerative bone disease.  Which is what is causing my back pain.  Doctor said there wasn’t anybody who would do surgery with my active cancer.  Pain pills are my best defence right now.  This is crazy but I praise the Lord for bulging disks.  So happy it wasn’t cancer.  In the book The Hiding Place, Corrie Ten Booms and her sister were in a concentration camp with miserable conditions. Beatings, hearing screams of others around camp,  and of course uncomfortable living conditions.  Straw mattresses filled with fleas were a huge problem for Corrie.  Her sister Betsie said ” The Bible says we are to rejoice always, pray constantly, and give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus”.  She even said they needed to pray for the fleas.  Corrie thought for sure Betsie was wrong about that.  She hated the fleas, but it turned out they were able to share the Lord and have good fellowship with other prisoners leading them to the Lord.  The guards didn’t want to come into their Barracks because of the flea infestation.  They stood between the bunks and thanked the Lord for the Fleas.  I thank the Lord for the bulging disks in much the same way!!!!  The Hiding Place is a wonderful book a must read.  We all have dark places, and tunnels in our life at times.  But the Lord is the Light at the end of all our tunnels!

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My desire is to share my photography, to honor the Lord, and send out His word to all who might read. My photo's will include a scripture,and I write a devotional for each entry. The very least that I can do for our precious Lord Jesus. I am a wife to Jerry, my wonderful husband. We have 5 children, and 7 granchildren.

2 thoughts on “A Light At The End Of The Tunnel”

  1. I am so glad for your good news, our prayers were answered. I will continue to work on my relationship with God. Your wonderful card was so appreciated, more than I can put in words. Love to you and your family. -Amanda


    1. So happy to hear from you Amanda, you really touched my heart that day. I will continue praying for you and your son and hope he is doing well. And you my friend have compassion that the Lord loves. He has given that to you, and you are touching His people. In HIm, Darlene


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