Appointment With Purpose

FortressIt’s amazing how our emotions can swing from hope to fear and a little sadness in a phone call.  I have been trying to be so strong and handle this with faith and grace.  But this appointment for an MRI was definitely shaking  all that I was holding on to.  I went through the doors feeling very sad.  The technician I had was a sweet girl.  She got me all set up with tender care for my ride into that tube that I have begun to hate because I have had so many  MRI’s.  She then began to ask the questions.  Why are you here?  What are we looking at? Where is your pain?  Tears started to stream from my eyes.  I apologized and said “I’m just feeling a little emotional right now.  She ran for a tissue for my tears.  When she returned, I saw tears running down her cheeks.  There was such a tenderness with this girl, I asked “Are you a Christian?”  There was silence and more tears.  She said, “Actually I am angry at God”.  Still wiping my tears, I asked her Why.  She began to tell me she is tired of watching someone she loves very much suffer.  Her son only 11 years old had a health issue that had plagued him his for his whole young life.  surgery’s and a lot of sickness.  I was instantly overwhelmed with compassion and no longer thinking of me.  I asked if I could pray for her boy and there as I lay in the MRI machine we touched heaven for her boy and for her.  Both still wiping tears she said “I guess we better get going on this MRI”>.  While in the Tube for about an hour I prayed for her and asked the Lord to renew her faith and help her let go of the anger.  I heard the still small voice of the Lord say “You tell her she can be angry at anyone she wants but not ME.  She needs Me.”  So when I came out of the machine, as she helped me to sit up I said “I was praying for you and the Lord told me to tell you something.  I repeated what the Lord said.  She hugged me real tight and thanked me.  I thanked her and with red eyes we said goodbye.  That is why I had that MRI Appt.  It wasn’t about me.  I did pray while in there that there would be no cancer in my spine. And I had asked her to pray also.  The Lord is my fortress, and I must run to Him in times of trouble.  He is waiting for us to run into his arms of safety in times like that.  I love you Lord and thank you for turning my sadness into joy as I realized it was a Devine appointment that I had.  The Fortress pictured is one I had just visited in the Dominican Republic.  Built in the 1800’s by the Spanish.

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My desire is to share my photography, to honor the Lord, and send out His word to all who might read. My photo's will include a scripture,and I write a devotional for each entry. The very least that I can do for our precious Lord Jesus. I am a wife to Jerry, my wonderful husband. We have 5 children, and 7 granchildren.

2 thoughts on “Appointment With Purpose”

  1. I love, love, love the story. But even more, I love our Jesus and you!!! I love how you see the Lord in everything. Thankful to our God that you don’t have cancer in your back. God is merciful and so good. Always!!


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