
Looking back on Christmas, not yet a week since we celebrated.  I took the time to take some photo’s of my Christmas tree.  I think  it might have been my prettiest one.   The Lord spoke to me that he was born that Christmas so long ago,  but he grew to be a man!  So many don’t know Jesus beyond the manger as a babe.  It is so sad.  He Lived 33 years, did amazing miracles and touched many lives to follow Him.  We still follow Him now after more than 2000 years.   There are people who still never got the message, or ignored the message.    Jesus died , rose again, and sits on the right side of His father, praying for us who believe, and also  for those who don’t believe.  It is wonderful  to know that our Lord Jesus is making intercession for us.  But the time will come when all that will, shall have made the decision to follow Him.  Those who have not made that commitment will be eternally sorry when that time comes.  I am so thankful,dsc_0186 that me and mine have  all made that decision.  Thank you Lord!intersession

Shine As Lights

ligjthouse-in-oregonThis light House is one of the oldest on the Oregon Coast.  It was built and  commissioned in 1871 and decommissioned in  1874.  It is the Yaquina Bay Lighthouse in Newport Oregon.  It was refurbished in 1996 and is being used again to be a guiding light on  this rocky  coast.  Lighthouses speak to me about the lights we are to be in this crooked perverse nation.

  These words are so appropriate for our nation as I write.  The Bible is always so current to what we might be experiencing as a people.  I think the instruction is right on for today, and always.  Stop murmuring and grumbling about the state of our country and world, and be a light shining in the midst of all the darkness. ” For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do His Good Pleasure,” Philippians 2:13  If your light is not shining let the Lord refurbish you like the lighthouse above.  It is never too late to SHINE!