One With God

It is hard to wrap our minds around being one with God.      fort-stevens-astoria-and-shipwreck-beach-237-copy-copy

But this is exactly what happens when you confess that Jesus is the Son of God.  He comes and dwells within you.  When I walk at sunset on a beach like this one in Oregon, I  am very aware of that oneness.  I feel His presence, in a quiet yet majestic place like the ocean.  Then add a beautiful sunset and you can  hardly stand it, it is so amazing!  It is then that we look thru the lens together.  A  very intimate time.  A time we all can have.  If not on a beach, on a mountain, or even in a garden, some where, anywhere to be alone with the God.  Be sure to take those times and have those meetings with God.  Alone with the one who made it all.  There is nothing that can compare to  that.  We are one!

Trust The Lord

Give your whole heat to the Lord.  Trust Him with your life and everything you care  about.  Don’t lean on your own understanding.  The Lord is supreme in all  things, and you can trust Him.  Just talk to Him about everything.  Include Him in every facet of  your life.  Then He will direct your path.  He cares about you in the small and the big things.  Don’t hold anything back from the Lord.  Oh, how He loves you.  Love Him back!trust-the-lord

Lead Me, Please!

My Husband Jerry and I were in Zion National park when I took this Photo.  This is one of our favorites  of the National parks we have been too.  We noticed a mountain goat in the forefront of this photo.  It’s so tiny and gives an idea of the size of the rock he is standing on.  I think if I didn’t tell you, you might have missed him.   The Lord is my Rock, and He is very high.  When things get tough, and its hard to keep my  focus,  I cry out to the Father and ask him to lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.  I, with this cancer battle, encounter things all along my high-rock journey.  Things that make me feel weak and question where I am.  Recently I was shown by my oncologist paperwork from Medicare.  The form was asking him to put me in Hospice.  He answered the form and signed it in front of me telling them that he was not going to put me in hospice but would continue to treat me.  It is because my cancer is terminal and I have been fighting the stage 4 part for  two years.  The enemy will use all kinds of things along our journey.  I started thinking, I am really  sick.   Yes I know I am sick but it brought me to think about the end.  Only the Lord knows when the end is, and I feel like I am doing so good.  Questions bombarded my mind. We know this is the enemy when my every effort is to try to win this battle.  It made me question things that were already settled in my heart. Do you know what we have to do at times like this?  Run to the Rock that is Higher than us.  He will pick us up and put our feet back  on the path and send us back on our way.  Thank you Lord for doing that for me.  I love you, and pray that if anyone reading this writing of mine is troubled and fighting to find their way, would call on their  father and be led to you my dear Jesus.   You are our Rock!

Do You Have Favor?


Throughout America’s History, the Lord has favored us as a nation.  We have always been a nation honoring God. From the very foundations of our Country, God has been acknowledged.  We are seeing a gradual tearing down of our Godly beginnings.  For many in our country, there is no Godly foundation.  They would prefer to create a new  foundation  being built with liberal and ungodly agenda’s.  Are we loosing our favor as a nation, with the Lord?  Don’t let this happen!!

 The Lord will give us favor as his followers as well.  He will not let  our enemy’s triumph over us.  He will uphold our integrity. It is difficult to uphold integrity if we don’t have it.  I would say honesty is another thing that is being forgotten in this world.   We must live our lives open and honest.  The Lord will honor integrity and set us before His face forever.  That is where I want to be forever.

 This photo was taken at the Reno Air Races.  I love to see our military on display there.  I feel a big lump in my throat when they do their fly overs.  I Love this shot I got with the Jet fire.


Have you given a thought to Cheerfulness lately?  This scripture talks about  a  cheerful look.  This is so important.  It’s the thing that can make someone’s day.  It can make your day too if you make the decision to be cheerful.  The response is always so wonderful when we can show Gods love with our cheerful  countenance.  I think  it is a responsibility for us Christians.  I can be as grumpy and unfriendly as anybody, but I choose to be cheerful and in so doing I am a light to others.  The rest of the scripture  pictured is, “good news gives health.”  Well we  all know that  the Good News is the Gospel.  Jesus came that we might have eternal life.  That is the good news we all need to hear, it makes us healthy to hear the Lords words.  Share these things, and be cheerful.  This little girl is my granddaughter.cheerful-look-2-done

Sing Unto The Lord

A few years back,  I had the thrill of going to the East Coast with two of my daughters for leaf peeping.  Everything looked like a Monet  painting.  Truly an  amazing sight.  More amazing is that God has given us the seasons to enjoy.  As I was enjoying my East Coast Photo’s this morning, I was drawn to this little town nestled in the trees of Vermont.  I was actually standing in the back of the Lincoln family home.  The name of the Home is Hilldene and was built by Lincolns son for his Mother, and later his family.  It was so exciting to be there on that Historic property.  I got to see one of  President Lincolns Top Hats, it was under glass of course.  Vermont  was a  favorite place of Abraham Lincoln, and he  would often take His family there for summer vacation.   Therefore the son had a deep love for Vermont as well.  So very interesting!  This morning however, When I saw the little town down in the  valley behind the Lincoln Estate, I  thought of our Lord saving people down in that little town.  I am sure he looks down,  just like I  was.  The Lord rejoices over them with Joy, and He sings over them.  He rejoices over you today too, and He sings over you.  The Lord sings!  How much more,  should we sing up  to Him. vermont-done He loves to hear our voices singing praises to Him.  So make a joyful noise to  the  Lord, and bless him today with your song.

Worthless Things

It would be impossible to count how many worthless things we see with our eyes in each day.  But I assure you there are many.  Things that we need to ask the Lord to turn our eyes away from.  Things we see, and want but don’t need.  The media, advertising and magazines all fill our eyes with worthless things.  T.V. offers us  many worthless things also.square-path-done  If we search our hearts the Lord will bring to mind many worthless things that we have seen, that  only make us envious, or bring us down with their worldly content.  That is why we must cry unto the  Lord and ask Him to turn our eyes from worthless things, materialistic things, sensual things, and ungodly things.  Revive us in your  ways Oh Lord!

Perfect Praise

We were created to praise Him and serve Him, but are we?The answer to that question resides in the heart of our Lord.  In the book of Matthew, Jesus went to the temple.  He overthrew the tables of the vendors in the temple  and said “My house shall be called a house of prayer.” The blind and the lame came to Him there, and he healed them.. When the people saw these things they began to praise Him.  There were children there and they began crying saying Hosanna to the King.  The scribes and the chief priests saw this and were very unhappy.  That is when Jesus said to them “Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings is perfect praise.”Matthew 21:16.  Perfect Praise done It is innocence that they have.  There is no hidden agenda with a child or a babe.  That is why I just love to look at a child  or  a babe, and take in their purity.  I would love to praise Him like a child, wouldn’t you?  It seems He really does want us to be as children.  We are His children and should come to Him as such. I believe this is possible.  He wouldn’t ask us to do something we can’t do.  So lets put everything out of our mind that would distract us and praise Him as a child.  No Fancy words, just honest, pure praise.  This beautiful baby girl is our friends grandaughter.

The Tree Tunnel

Anybody who has been to Poipu, on Kauai will recognize this tree lined road.  It is called the Tree Tunnel. In the past they planted the trees to line the road all the way from the sugar cane fields to Koloa where the sugar mills were.  Ox carts were used to haul the sugar cane.  The tree tunnel was to keep the sun off of them a they made their way to Poipu.  Poipu is one of our favorite places in the islands and I always get very happy when we arrive at the tree tunnel as it is very beautiful and it means we are almost there!  There is no place to pull over so I had to take this out of the open convertible as we drove.  The scripture in Luke 14: 23 comes alive in this photo.  We are to go out on the highways and the hedges and invite them to come to the Lord.  People are just waiting to be invited.  We need to get out there and do what the Lord has asked us to do.  Lets fill the Lords house with our witness, and testimony.  Be ready where ever you are, He wants to use you.Tree Tunnel done