The Bluebird of Happiness

I have a fondness for those pretty bluebirds,Happy Bluebird done and love the saying,  The Bluebird of happiness.  However we know that our happiness comes straight from the  Lord, and not a bluebird.  The scriptures tell us over an over that He is  our  joy, and He is our happiness.  Can you even imagine not having the  Lord.  It would be such a sad and lonely existence.  We need the Lord to lift us up when we are down.  We also need the Lord to keep us humble when we start thinking that we are higher than we ought.  We are happy because we know the  Lord.  He is  our hope.  But thank you Lord for those beautiful bluebirds,  another  beautiful evidence of  our God.

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My desire is to share my photography, to honor the Lord, and send out His word to all who might read. My photo's will include a scripture,and I write a devotional for each entry. The very least that I can do for our precious Lord Jesus. I am a wife to Jerry, my wonderful husband. We have 5 children, and 7 granchildren.

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