Depart From Evil

When evil stares you  in the face get on the highway of theHighway done upright and depart from it.  In the day we live it is hard to avoid evil, it is around every corner.  There is an easy escape however, just turn your back on it.  Don’t take it in.  Don’t give any time or attention to what the enemy of our souls may conjure  up.  When I have a  nightmare, It is evil.  I don’t try to figure it out or stay paralyzed in fear.  I turn my back  on it and rebuke the enemy in the name of Jesus.  We have choices, we can stay in the evil place or we can turn from it.  Evil can appear tantalizing and draw us in, and we will then be snared by the evil one.  We have to turn from t.v. shows that are evil, books, signs, people and even churches and religions that are evil.  It is a time where we have to put on the full armor of  God and cover our  self  with His word.  The Lord has given us everything we need to turn from evil but it is a choice.  Please Lord help to make the  right choice.

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My desire is to share my photography, to honor the Lord, and send out His word to all who might read. My photo's will include a scripture,and I write a devotional for each entry. The very least that I can do for our precious Lord Jesus. I am a wife to Jerry, my wonderful husband. We have 5 children, and 7 granchildren.

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