The Journey Continues

Count it All Joy

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As many of you know from previous writings, I am on the Journey of my life.  If it were not for the Lord this Journey would have ended a long time ago.  I have stage 4 advanced metastic cancer.  I am terminal in the sense that the cancer I have is incurable.  I know I am only terminal, when it is time for the Lord to take me home.  A little refresher, I started with kidney cancer-(renal cancer).  My kidney was removed and I was cancer free for two years.  On the two year cat scan there were tumors in my lungs.  Two in each lung and my lymph nodes were also filled with cancer in that area.  There were dark days at first when I got the news.  Fear is such a strong force against us.  I knew this and asked the Lord to take that darkness from  me. He is faithful, and the sun began to shine again in my life and my journey. When I came out of the dark place it was like a new beginning, full of hope, joy and an appreciation of the Lords care.   I went through two Chemo treatments, the first for 9 months and the second for 10 months.  The first one was very hard, and I was very sick but the Lord was with  me every step of the way.  Then the second was an easier one praise the Lord .  All of them have been every other Tuesday.  With cat scans every  three months.   I am involved with a new community of people,  all have cancer, or care for those who do.  It’s crazy to say, but I feel strongly that I am right where the Lord wants me to be.  I have an excitement each day when I wake up.  I feel like there is so much the Lord would have me do in my new position in life.  I just want to be faithful to serve Him even more than ever before….Are you serving our  precious Lord with fervency?  Listen for His still small voice, I am sure He has something for you to do. Something that possibly only  you alone can do.  Don’t miss the chance!!!  Count it all joy when you have different kinds of temptations.  Temptations to give in to fear and live below the life the Lord has for You.  I now count cancer Joy and I am letting the Lord work thru me where I am now, as my journey continues. 

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My desire is to share my photography, to honor the Lord, and send out His word to all who might read. My photo's will include a scripture,and I write a devotional for each entry. The very least that I can do for our precious Lord Jesus. I am a wife to Jerry, my wonderful husband. We have 5 children, and 7 granchildren.

2 thoughts on “The Journey Continues”

  1. I’m sure you are a magnificent blessing to everyone you encounter. I know God has you there because you are so obedient to Him, where else would you be?
    Love you dearly my friend!

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