Don’t Be Emergency Christians

Careful for NothingWalking down this cobble stone road in Puerto Vallarta, it was easy to be “Careful for nothing.  The Lord had blessed us with everything.  A wonderful family, a beautiful home, travel, and most important of all faith.  I took this photo and did the scripture in 2007. Life was good!  The scripture goes on to say “But in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”  In everything, we need to talk to God.  He must be at the very center of our life. Talk to Him about your needs, and praise Him for your blessings.  He wants to hear both things.  Don’t be an emergency Christian who only talks to God when things are going bad, or spinning out of control.  For us the last few years have been rough certainly out of our control.  Thank the Lord we can talk to him and lean on Him in these times we now walk in.  We talk to him about the bad things, the good things, the big things, and the little things. He loves to hear our voice, or our mind when it is stayed on Him.  In doing this we will know the peace that passes understanding.  It is the peace we can have in the middle of an emergency or bad times.  Do these things and it will be well with your soul.

Storms Of Life

I took this photo because I could see a storm rolling in.  The sky was getting dark and the clouds were ominous over an otherwise peaceful land. We like the earth are subject to many storms in our life.  They come and they go.  Some storms have hurricane force, and others just come to sharpen our faith a little.  The Lord is there for every storm we have.  He is the wall spoken of in Isaiah He protects us in these storms that we all have.  So don’t panic when you see storm clouds rolling in, just keep your eyes on the Lord.


Spring Has Sprung

Dar 112Spring is finally here, a time of rejoicing in the land.  Its been a long hard winter.  We did have some snow since spring sprung, but it was quickly gone, leaving more water for all of our beautiful spring flowers.  I noticed the birds singing again.  Such a sweet sound in the morning.  A sound not heard in the deep of winter.  Spring is such a picture to me of rebirth and resurrection.  Everything dies and becomes just brown sticks.  The trees look like massive brown skeletons.  In my eyes it looks impossible for anything to live again.   Then comes the miracle of spring and new life.  The brown grass starts to unveil a few blades of green, and if you look carefully you can begin to see buds of new growth on the tree’s.  Listen for the turtle dove, the Lord is bringing new life to our land.  There is always hope in the Lord!

Eternal Life

Eternal Life.jpgbwThe Gift of God, eternal life, what does this mean?  We are all sinners, and if we don’t repent, and give our life to Jesus Christ, we will surely die in our sins and be eternally separated from Him.  To die to self and give our lives to Christ is an eternal gift.  There is a movie recently out, called Heaven Is Real.  I don’t know about the movie as I haven’t seen it or read the book.  But I know that heaven is real.  I would never want to miss it.  If you are reading this and thinking I don’t believe there is a heaven.  What if you are wrong?  I wouldn’t take the chance, and miss it! Something to think about today.