Ice Castles

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Ice Castles and Vail, Eagle, and Breckenridge 023

 A few years back three of my daughters and I got together for a girls trip.  It was one that turned out to be very beautiful with a little touch of heaven.  We set out to go to an Ice Castle that I had read about up in our Colorado Rockies.  We arranged for a 3 day trip which took us as far as Eagle,Colorado.  We also took in Vail, Breckenridge, and Silverthorne where the Castle was.  The Castle was beyond our expectations. We will never forget this wonderful time together.  Sometimes we just have to make things happen.   Its hard to carve out that quality time with family and even friends.  I highly recommend making the effort for these precious times with your kids.  We have done quite a lot of girls trips and we will always treasure these memories that we have made.  We have good fellowship and time to talk about the Lord and what He has done in  our lives. The Lord has given us the gift of family and friends, handle that gift with love. Back to the castle;  we thought it looked like a heavenly place.  It was so beautiful and pure looking.  It was for sure a touch of heaven.

Who Lights Your Path?

I have been away from my blog for awhile, so much going on in my life.  Jerry has been in the hospital for 3 months. I went every day and spent the day and evening with Him.  While he was there I fell down at the hospital that he was at and sustained a concussion and a very painful body.  I too was hospitalized.  The Chemo I am on for my Cancer has a side effect of high blood pressure, mine was extremely high at the time of the fall or collapse.  I have been battling that since.  Jerry is home now and doing so much better.  Is able to walk again, but still trying to recover from the weakness all this left him with.  Since my fall I have been unable to use my left arm.  Allot of pain if I try.  Went in for a MRI last week, saw an orthopedist and found that I have a torn rotator cuff, and a fracture in my arm at the shoulder.  The treatment would be surgery, but because of the cancer and chemo leaving me with no immune system I can’t have surgery.  But you know what?  I keep on walking , I keep on holding my head up high and being the best me that I can be.  I am an R.N. now that Jerry is home.  I surprise myself with what I can do.  Why?  Because the Lord lights my path with His Word.  I trust Him, and Jerry and I both cry out to him when the going gets too tough.  I thank the Lord for the light he gives us in a time of physical trials.  He lights our path and covers us with His Word.   Lamp path journal.png