Come Away

COME AWAYFeelings of frustration, sadness  or stress, things that can start shaking our faith.  Getting too busy to take the time to stop and talk to the Lord.  He is waiting for us you know.   There are times when we just need to get away from what ever is tearing at us.  Its time to run to the Lord and have quiet time with Him.  It can happen in the den, yard, or bedroom, but the greatest thing is to run away with him for a little while and just sit at his feet.  We find our peace there and get our feet back on the path following Him.  The photo today brings a strong memory to me.  It was in Victoria, Canada that I took this photo.  I remember walking the grounds of where we were staying and spotting this lovely place to sit down.  Peach roses, white bench, flower pots everywhere!  I thought this is a perfect place to sit down with the Lord.  The Lord called me to that place, and time.  I will never forget it.  My daughters and I were on a girls trip.  We did that allot before they all got married.  I highly recommend it for mothers and their daughters.

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My desire is to share my photography, to honor the Lord, and send out His word to all who might read. My photo's will include a scripture,and I write a devotional for each entry. The very least that I can do for our precious Lord Jesus. I am a wife to Jerry, my wonderful husband. We have 5 children, and 7 granchildren.

3 thoughts on “Come Away”

  1. That was such a memorable trip! I miss those days! I remember thinking that place was a glimpse of heaven! Beautiful!!! Love u!


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